Once upon a time, back in the 1970’s, a young Canadian woman on her world travels stopped by Australia, met a young man, and fell in love. And when this young Canadian woman returned home, with his heart, he followed her.
Thirty years later another young Canadian woman, their daughter, on her world travels stopped by Australia, met a young man, and fell in love. And, as tradition would have it, when this young woman returned home, with his heart, he followed her.
Theirs is a beautiful story, a wonderful love, and their wedding day was the perfect illustration. It was such an honest and heartfelt celebration, carefully considered and meaningfully carried out. It spoke of who they are, where they’ve come from, and the wondrous future they have together. It was an honour to be there, to witness and to capture. A genuine honour.
Thank you Paul and Rebecca for the privilege of recording the starting point of the rest of your lives. Whatever your future holds, whether in Canada or Australia, I know it will be filled with love. The deep, respectful, sincere kind that will surround you where ever you go and carry you above whatever challenges you may face.
Narrelle x