There’s a song I have on my playlist (by Emilie Mover) that goes like this:
How’d I ever get you?
What if I’d never met you?
Who would I be singing for?
How’d I ever find you?
Wonder who designed you?
Doesn’t matter any more.
Coz it’s you I adore
Yeah you, yeah you I adore
It’s you I adore
Yeah you, yeah you I adore.
I have to confess I skipped a couple of verses in the middle , but the three above say everything I could about these two people. Or, I imagine, what they’d say about each other.
What strikes me about Janet, and always has, is her willingness to openly adore her husband. To confess just how much she needs him, and what an incredibly itegral part of her life he is. And she clearly loves him, without any room for doubt. And Michael clearly loves her. And adores her. And I’ve got proof. 🙂
It really was an honour to photograph these two beautiful people and, though I was a little scared at the idea of working for a fellow photographer, I was secretly thrilled at the opportunity to attempt to show them what their love looks like to me. I hope I succeeded. I hope they can tell how much I love their love, and how much I adore them as a couple.
You guys clearly belong together.
Thanks guys for being so gorgeous, for trusting me (especially with the possibility of snakes – though I think I was secretly more scared of those than either of you were), and for not being afraid to show what love means to you.
Stay beautiful.
Narrelle x