Why do I love taking photographs of babies? Could you look at this face and say any differently?
I could seriously have this image as the desktop on my PC and not even mind that it’s not even my own child. His smile, his beautiful little face, everything about him is pure joy. Pure innocence. Pure I’m delighted just to be in the same room as you.
That’s what I love about photographing babies. There is nothing ungenuine about them. They’re happy to see you simply because they’re happy to see you. You look interesting, they’re intrigued by your newness, and the funny noises you make. And it takes absolutely nothing at all to for their faces to light up and warm you with the most unaffected smile you could imagine, or even hope for.
And that’s what I loved about little Spencer, when I spent some time with him a few Saturdays ago, capturing his beautiful, happy little soul. He was happy, seemingly for happiness’ sake. If he doesn’t mind older women, and is happy to wait until her daddy is ready to let her go, he’d make the perfect ‘arranged husband’ for our little girl. The two of them could make the world around them such a wonderful place to be with their delightful dispositions working together. What do you think, Mum and Dad? 🙂
Thankyou Penny and Craig, and baby Spencer, for such a sweet morning. For all the smiles, the real and tender love that filled your home, and for making my job so easy just by being yourselves. And for the lemon slice, Penny. I was despeately craving more – all the way down to Brighton for the following session. Thanks. 🙂
So much joy for one little boy. Loved him.
This was one of my favourite images.
And I love the love for mummy in this shot.
And if I could pack the sunshine from that morning into a case and take it with me wherever I go, I would.
Couldn’t you just gobble him up. I could. How blessed are you, mummy and daddy, to be able to kiss on that sweet little face whenever you like.
Throw one if for me next time please.
Narrelle x
{ Melbourne Baby Photographer }