The things we do to keep our children happy

So, after posting recently how we’d been to stay with the inlaws, and how much Jaedon loved all the wide open space there, we’ve really decided we want to buy some land of our own.  So we’ve been off hunting for the last week for that perfect piece of grass we can build a home, an airstrip, a football field, a cricket pitch, a tennis court, a paintball arena, a go-kart track, and whatever else takes the fancy of our little boy (and his dad’s) imagination.  🙂
We’ve had a few let-downs, thinking we’d found THE place, only to find the ‘old farmhouse’ on the block is actually a few delapidated, worm-eaten, weathered planks of board loosely held together with a handful of rusty nails. Typical real-estate talk.  🙂
But today we found IT.  A beautiful block of land about 30 minutes drive from where we are, so we’d still be within easy travelling distance to Melbourne (can’t go to far from the city – I need my fix every now and then…).  And what better time of day to have seen it. The sun was just setting, so it was all aglow with colour and beckoning us with a breathtaking view. Imagine looking at this every afternoon (which is what we hope to be doing in the not too distant future…):

I turned around from taking this photograph and was presented with this view (fortunately I already get to see this most afternoons 🙂 ) I just love how dark the sky was, and how golden the ground. And of course I love seeing daddy all protective of his little girl, trying to shelter her from the wind.
So now all we have to do is submit an offer and sit back and wait. And dream of planes and footballs, go-karts and buggies, and sunsets to photograph. And wide open space. mmmmmmmm