It was a veeeeeeeery long day today. Lots of driving (mainly due to me taking a wrong turn and taking a long time to realise) and very little sleep last night to get me through it.  I’ve been sitting here for the last 22 minutes staring into space, typing a sentence, deleting it, starting again, then deleting that too. Then some more staring into space.  Having just poured myself a drink (Baileys and Disaronno – you need to try it sometime) and returned to the keyboard, I’ve decided all I have to say is what a wonderful day it was.  Things went wrong. Things went right. I was ratty. The kids were forgiving. No, the kids were beautiful, and just full of the ability to enjoy the day in only the way a child can. And that’s pretty infectious. We all came home marvelously happy, and enjoyed the most delicious pizza for dinner.  The way all good days should end.  I didn’t take a lot of photos, but I will still remember the smiles, the wonder, the sunshine, and the icecream for a very long time.  Because it was just one of those wonderful days.

Hope your day was ok too.

Narrelle x