I was having a bit of a rough day yesterday, so I did what any girl does in such a time – bundled up the kids and went to crash at my mum’s.
The kids love visiting Nana’s place. Not just because Nana (and Papa) are there, but because Nana and Papa’s place isn’t a normal place. Ten years ago they sold their normal place, bought a big car and a caravan, and have been travelling around Australia ever since. The quintessential Grey Nomads.
Lucky for us they are in Melbourne at the moment, and we’ve been making the most of their company. And the most of their most unusual place. Where else could Nana and I sit down to a cup of tea in the lounge, while keeping an eye on the kids in the bedroom at the same time?
I know this isn’t my usual style, of photography or editing, but I just love it. It’s probably one of my favourite photos so far. Mostly because there’s so much going on, so many details that remind me of the afternoon, of mum and dad, of the comfort of being in their place. Of the fact that Mum had gone through the caravan that morning and given it a proper tidy, the bed especially being nice and neat when we arrived, but she was happy to let the kids be kids, laughing at their little bedtime pantomine. The caravan felt like a palace at that point in time. And I was the queen.
The day was still rough, but I felt happy. My heart felt full, and I was thankful for children that know only how to live and laugh and love. For that I cherish them.
Narrelle x