Some changes worth mentioning.

It probably should have taken me a day or two, but a combination of my brain’s aptitude for all things technical along with two young children in constant and sometimes desperate need of attention meant it took me a good week or so.
I’ve been thinking of changing things around on my website for a while now, and am actually back to where I originally intended to start, but had even less knowledge then of ftp, css, html, etc etc than I do now. I’ve always wanted to have my website and blog in the same place, to save people needing to go from one place to another all the time. It’s like having to run between the Haigh’s store and the Lindt Cafe – why can’t they just sell everything I like in the one place.  Well at least, now, I do.
So instead of having my website and blog functioning seperately when, really, I want them to work together and complement one another (a bit like dark chocolate and red wine), they are now co-existing right here, right now (reminds me of a fab song, and not the one from High School Musical….). 
Where once apon a time you would have needed to click on the ‘WEBSITE’ link to go off and view samples of my photography and featured sessions, that link has disappeared and now all you need to do is click on the ‘PHOTOGRAPHY’ link at the top of the screen, which will give you a drop-down selection of categories to choose from.  And if you click on ‘FEATURED’ you will be able to view a selection of sessions, in their entirety.   As for the other information that was on the website, I’ve taken what I deemed important and added in a few extra pages, viewable if you click on the ‘PAGES’ link up top (that’s pretty clever, huh).

I’m really excited about this, as it’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time, and it’s much more me.  And that’s what this business is all about – staying true to yourself (or myself) and presenting what comes from within me, not what I think others would expect from me.  And – YAY – I did it all by myself.  Just little old me.  🙂

I hope you dig it too.

Narrelle x

{ Portrait Photographer Melbourne }