Her last day of One-ness

This time two years ago I was blissfully sleeping, completely unaware that in six hours I would be woken with the first of the contractions. And three and a half painful hours later we would have our daughter. The perfection completion of our family. And six hours after that I would be back home again, ready to start life as a family of four.
I kind of always figured in the back of my mind, once we’d had Jaedon, that any further children we’d have would be a slight variation of him. We couldn’t have been more wrong. Alicia-Rae is completely her own person, being slightly similar to him in looks only. And she’s been as much a blessing and a joy to us, in as many ways (though different ways) as Jaedon has.
I’ve often marvelled at all the things I prayed for her while she was still hidden inside me, and how I’ve seen these prayers answered in one form or another over the last two years. I even count the prayer that my red hair wouldn’t be passed on to her. 🙂 And while I’m incredibly proud to see her growing to be the kind of person I’ve always dreamed she’d be, I’m even more proud that she’s simply becoming who she was created to be – herself. She’s a beautiful little soul, who fills each day with honest to goodness joy.
In a few short minutes she will be two years old. Already. But I don’t bemoan the fact that she’s growing up before my eyes, because I’m loving every moment of it. Ask me in 16 years time if I still feel the same way, but for now I’ll continue to witness my daughter become the bright, confident, outgoing, beautiful, tender young girl she’s growing into more and more each day, and look forward to her making what she will with her life. I know it will be full of happiness, whatever it is. She carries it with her wherever she goes.

Anyway, before I go getting too sappy (or is it too late), I just quickly grabbed a some favourite shots from the last year – one from each month.  It’s great to be able to look back and see how she’s grown and changed.  I wonder what this time next year will look like.

Childrens Photographer Melbourne

And one more from today, her last day as a one year old.  To me it is a fitting photo – I see the perfect mix of baby and little girl. 

Last day as a one year old

Happy Birthday for tommorow sweet princess.  I hope you sleep well tonight – you’ll need lots of energy for eating all that chocolate cake and fairy bread. xx