Forgive my tardiness.

I know it’s only been 5 days since I’ve posted, but it feels like forever.
I’ve been battling a chest infection, as has Jaedon.
And Sunday afternoon Alicia-Rae came down with conjunctivitis and has had a fever (40/104) the last two days.  🙁
This is her curled up on Nanna’s lap this morning, fast asleep. Both Matt and I are jealous in that she’s never fallen asleep on either of our laps – she’s one of those children that will only ever fall asleep in bed. I guess that’s an indication of how poor she is feeling.

I don’t like it when my babies are sick.  🙁
And it’s even tougher to deal with when I’m not 100% myself.
So forgive me if you’re waiting on an email, or a phone call, or just a fresh post.  At least I’ve got one down now.  🙂