It completely terrifies me. The idea of turning 40, that is. I know it’s supposed to be the new 30 and all that, but I’d be a lot more accepting if I actually felt somewhere near the eighteen months off 40 that I am. I’m sure I can’t be much older than 25, 28 at the most.
We’ve started making plans. Big plans. And they might involve an overseas road trip, a big hole in the ground, and a city in the middle of the desert. Any ideas?
In the midst of all this planning I got to thinking about other things I’d like (and plan) to do before I hit the big FOUR-OH. And of course I had to make a list. Cause that’s the done thing to do, isn’t it.
Some things have more of a chance of being carried out, if I’m being realistic. But they’re not impossible, and I’m a glass three-quarters full kind of gal, so who knows.
1. See the Hollywood sign. For real.
2. Visit Disneyland.
3. Do a photo safari/expedition. Like to the Galapagos Islands. Or Madagascar.
4. Publish a book.
5. Quit biting my nails.
6. Be comfortable in my own skin.
7. Organise a charity working holiday to Bolivia (more specifically La Paz and El Alto).
8. Get fit. Actually use the home gym we bought 18 months ago with this purpose in mind.
9. Go to bed before 11:30.
10. Beleive in myself.
11. Do a destination wedding in Hawaii, Canada, Finland, or Greece. Or all of the above.
12. Take up Spanish lessons again.
13. Learn to play the Piano.
14. Have a vegetable patch.
15. Invent something.
16. Shoot a wedding for free, for somebody that needs a little love.
17. Teach our kids to rollerskate.
18. Build something (with my own hands) for the new house.
19. Wear ear-rings every day for a whole month.
20. Do something spontaneous and totally out of character.
21. Go skinny-dipping (see above).
22. Do a barista course, and learn how to make pretty patterns on the top of my coffee.
23. Have Matt’s lunch ready for him before he goes to work.
24. Renew my (PADI) diving licence, and go diving again.
25. Raise a five figure sum for an inspiring, life changing organisation or person.
26. Do something that completely terrifies me.
27. Convince Tara Whitney to come to Australia to do a workshop/retreat (or attend if someone else manages to convince her first).
28. Have a portrait session done of Matt and I.
29. Attend one of Stephen Dupont’s workshops. Kathmandu would be awesome.
30. Buy the most expensive bottle of wine in the restaurant. Red of course.
31. Find a hairdresser that actually does what I ask for.
32. Win a game of pool against Matt.
33. Watch The Sound of Music.
34. Have lots of beautiful babies visit the soon to be built studio.
35. Go a whole week without a computer or mobile phone. Voluntarily.
36. Visit New Zealand, and toy with the idea of bungee jumping.
37. Bite off more than I can chew.
38. Fly first class.
39. Eat a truffle. A real one, not one made from condensed milk and coconut.
40. Make enough money for Matt to retire (guess whose contribution that one was).
It seems like a big list, however there’s nothing I would cross off as being out of the picture just yet. Some excite me more than others. Some just plain terrify me, but not as much as having nothing to work towards at all. So I’ll dream big, work hard, and tick off as many as I can. And have a party at the end anyway.
Narrelle x