We have a very hard job of it.
We often comment between ourselves how Jaedon, being that ‘magical’ age of two-going-on-three, gets away with far less than his sister. We’ve caught ourselves so many times laughing at Alicia-Rae, and questioning who she got her adorability from, only to realise that if it were Jaedon doing the same thing it wouldn’t be so cute. And we probably wouldn’t be laughing.
I wouldn’t say we’re being too tough on our little boy – he’s at an age where he needs to be kept in line. And though I can’t say Alicia-Rae’s not aware of what she’s doing (because it’s more than obvious it’s totally calculated) while there’s still in essence of innocence we don’t want to squash it.
And, lets face it, Jaedon was never one for hitting us with an expression like this and daring us to say no. Could you do it? 🙂
Narrelle x
{ melbourne baby photography }