Yesterday we had a visit from one of Jaedon and Alicia-Rae’s cousins, Matilda (though we all call her Tilly). Her mum had to work for the day so we were called in as babysitters – though I’m not sure who was sitting who. 😉
Jaedon LOVES having his cousins around, and I think Tilly was pretty excited too seeing as this was her first time here all by herself. And, as luck would have it, we had a power outage from 11:30 am till 4:30, so had to resort to some good old fashioned fun like jumping on the beds and playing out the backyard on the swing. Things kids did before TV and NIntendo were invented. 🙂
Tilly was begging me all day to take her photo – she wouldn’t have normally had to resort to begging but I made a bargain with her that I would only photograph her if she let me brush her hair. I can’t believe I won. And I have to give her credit – I have a lot more practice to put in before Alicia-Rae’s hair gets to brushing length if I want to be remembered for anything but the torture I inflicted on her every morning…
When I can actually get Tilly to sit still for more than 3 seconds she makes a great model. And she has the most incredibly blue eyes. A lot of people comment that she has the same eyes as Jaedon. Funny how the gene pool works.
She insisted on having some with Alicia-Rae, who actually seemed to enjoy it too.
{ Child Photography Melbourne }