A boy’s day out.

Our little boy has spent a lot of time cooped up inside lately with everyone being sick.  That’s not what little boys are made for. So yesterday Jaedon and I decided to have a day out together (well, I decided for him – but that’s my job as his mum. I’m sure he didn’t mind though.  🙂 ).
We left Alicia-Rae at home with Nanna and caught a train into the city. Gosh, does my boy love trains! He sat in his own seat by the window, keeping an eye out in both directions for passing trains, making sure to excitedly point them out to anyone game enough to show interest.
Here he is waiting for one that he heard long before it arrived

We got off the train and headed for the nearest park, where we spent an hour or so before heading off to KFC for some ‘chits’ (more commonly known as ‘chips’) for lunch, followed by some chocolate from Haighs (if you’ve not tried Haighs before, you’ve not tried chocolate. Seriously. Mmmmmmm).�
Then we decided to catch another train (which was really a tram) down to the beach. And what a glorious afternoon for it.  Jaedon of course headed straight for the sand, followed more tentatively by his mother, who’s forgotten what it’s like not to worry about getting sand in her shoes…

And being the true explorer (and boy) that he is, while I was busy with the pointless task of emptying my shoes, he was off – heading for the pier at the end (which he just nicely fit under by the way. Me not so much).

It’s a gorgeous old pier, and if I had have been there by myself, instead of with a 2 year old with no fear of water, I would have hung around a bit longer and taken a few more shots. 

Fortunately we picked a good time to leave. The clouds had started rolling in, the sky was getting dark and, sure enough, by the time our current train (tram) had reached it’s connecting one it was pelting down with rain.  But the oncoming stormclouds made for a beautiful view during our slightly hurried departure.

All in all it was a great day.  I do miss being able to devote my time to my little guy sometimes (and I’m sure he does too).  He’s such a sweet little treasure, and he makes me feel so glad to be a mum. His mum.

{ Child Photography Melbourne }