This is the third time I’ve photographed this beautiful little family, each shoot taking place when their children have hit roughly the one year mark. So I was very excited to spend the morning with them, hanging out in the cool air and crispy autumn leaves. It was so awesome to see how much the older two had grown, and to see how much love there was amongst them. And of course it was a great opportunity to bury dad in leaves, mixed in with a few twigs and the odd clump of dirt. Secretly though, I think he was having as much fun as the kids were. And I may have been pulling the odd branch or two out of my clothing and hair throughout the course of the day as well. But that’s what these shoots are all about – getting down and dirty (literally), living in the moments as they happen, and taking a snap or two (or three hundred) along the way. Nothing beats real life, real love, and the merging of the two.

Autumn (1)Autumn (2)Autumn (3)Autumn (4)Autumn (5)Autumn (6)Autumn (7)Autumn (8)Autumn (9)Autumn (10)Autumn (11)Autumn (12)Autumn (13)Autumn (14)Autumn (15)Autumn (17)Autumn (18)Autumn (19)Autumn (20)Autumn (21)Autumn (22)Autumn (23)Autumn (24)Autumn (25)Autumn (26)Autumn (27)
