366 pieces of life | Day 346

We’re just loving summer here, and being outdoors for most of the day.  It’ll be even more fun come Christmas Day, but I don’t want to go spoiling the surprise.  😉
Jaedon still has his favourite patch of lawn out the front of our house. Technically it’s a few houses up, but whenever we go out the front, whether it’s just to play or to go for a walk, he always has to run down the middle of it and belly-flop somewhere along the way – wearing an ear to ear grin all the way.  The kind of thing you wish you could still do as an adult without being committed…  🙂

And Alicia-Rae is getting in early – she loves to talk (rapidly catching up to Jaedon with her vocab level) and is also developing a love for the phone. She’s a true woman at heart.  🙂
Problem is, I can never find my mobile when I need it.  Sometimes all I need to do is track our little lady down, others I have to put in a more thorough search. And whoever she was talking to at this point in time, it looked like it was a rather important and private call.  Probably talking to Santa to make sure he doesn’t forget anything.  🙂


{ Melbourne family photographer }