366 pieces of life | Day 340

Jaedon had great fun trying to run me over today.
The fun for today was getting mummy to stand still in one spot while Jaedon rode as fast as he could towards her, and she’d jump out of the way at the last moment. Causing hysterics and begs for ‘again, again!’.
I love how they invent their own fun at this age, and it doesn’t (often) cost anything. And I love the laughs that come from right down deep inside the belly. Beautiful.

I can’t remember what Alicia-Rae was doing when I took this photo (too many images ago…), but knowing her it could have been anything. It makes me laugh anyway.
She’s such a little character, with oodles of personality.  And she already loves to play make believe. So she could have been sneaking up on fairies, pushing my exercise ball around (which has somehow made it’s way down to the back yard), chasing her brother, or getting ready to take a flying leap onto the clothes swinging from the line.  But I also have a vague memory of her dancing to a song that Jaedon and I were singing together.  I guess she could have been doing anything she wanted us to believe she was.  And I’m sure it won’t be the last time.  🙂


{child photographer Melbourne}