If you have kids you’ll understand when I try to explain how our days are made up of a wide assortment of moments. Quiet moments. Loud moments. Excited moments. Sad moments. Happy, frustrated, tender, and fun moments. And not forgetting the impatient, the ah-hah, the forgetful, and the forgiving moments. And the loving moments. All of them, in varying degrees, are normally found spread across the day. Mostly today was full of fun moments. Exploring moments. Running moments. Throwing frisbee moments. Eating ice-cream and doughnut moments. But at the end of the day all these moments, and emotions, became just a little too much to handle for one particular little boy, and the inevitable meltdown occured. It seems to be the only way little people know how to handle the overload of things they have to deal with each day.
But for the long drive home we had quiet moments. Peaceful moments. Whether or not Jaedon was sleeping here I can’t be sure – sometimes he simply closes his eyes and rests, taking time to recover and find his smile again. He’s a lot like me in that regard. And when he opened his eyes again there was calm, and there was a moment where Matt and I looked at each other and smiled, grateful for our life, our family, and every kind of moment we share. Together.
And then there were the cleansing moments.
Bath time in our house is always pretty predictable. Jaedon begging for a bath, stripping off naked before I can even put the plug in. Alicia-Rae complaining because she doesn’t want one. Jaedon jumping in, making the most of the bubbles before they disappear. Alicia-Rae thinking it doesn’t look so bad after all, and joining him. Jaedon bored and cold already, with Alicia-Rae just warming up. Jaedon getting out and leaving Alicia-Rae to herself. Alicia-Rae refusing to get out, despite the shivers and wrinkled skin that have long settled in.
Once we can convince her to get in, the bath becomes her best friend. She could happily play in there for hours, flitting from toy to toy, but always coming back to her favourites. Her Crapadinosaurs. We bought her these crocodiles (or alligators – I still don’t know the difference) while we were on holidays in Cairns earlier in the year, and when we asked her what they were (we figured she just might be able to tell us the difference) she patiently explained they were Crapadinosaurs. So, apparantly,they are neither crocodiles or alligators. But they are very friendly, and somewhat affectionate – spending most of their play time with Alicia-Rae kissing. Who knew reptiles could be so passionate. And so much fun.
Narrelle x