Amongst life’s most exciting but simple pleasures is finding an unexpected bunch of flowers on your doorstep. You know, the kind where you stop, and before your next blink you’ve considered whether it’s your birthday, anniversary, mother’s day, your mother’s birthday, or whether something went wrong yesterday, or is about to, and your other half feels the need to apologise. You realise it’s none of these, and a big blank question mark hangs over your head. If you were a cartoon it would be right there, in some giant, black, bold font, hovering right above you and turning as you do to look down the street for someone, anyone, making a hasty getaway. You make a mental list of who they could be from, or who you’d like them to be from. Sometimes the two lists add up. Sometimes not. Sometimes it’s a genuine, most delightful surprise. I had me one of those today.

You know who you are.  You should know that you made my day. Thank you for your thank you. You needn’t have, but I’m grateful. And blessed. Thank you.

Narrelle x