No – it’s not about the cartoon version. We have our own little ‘Dora’, whose favourite activity is exploring everything she lays her eyes and hands on.
It was a gorgeous day out yesterday so, needing some fresh air, we headed out for a bit. Nowhere exciting – just down to the front yard, and up and down our street. But I guess one place is as fun as the next when you’re 1 and 2. That’s one of the great things about young children – you don’t have to go anywhere fancy to impress them, and they can make fun out of just about any situation.
For Alicia-Rae, her fun consisted of picking dandelions from the front nature-strip…
…examining the moss between the tiles on our landing, and playing with the not-so-healthy shrubbery sticking out between the bannisters…
…and busying herself picking up the dead fir from the neighbours trees, nicely putting it back in their yard for them. 🙂
It’s such a treat to see them at this age, where everything is new, and one great big adventure. It kinda reminds me what life is all about, and there’s no better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than that.
Jaedon was having his own bit of fun too, which was great to watch. It’s been such a joy to see him smile again after being ill on and off for the last 6 weeks. I feel like we’ve finally gotten our little boy back again. Yay!
This was from the morning’s trip to the park – he was on one of those things his daddy describes as a ‘whirly pole’. 🙂 It kind of looks like a pogo stick stuck in the ground, but when stood on it spins around in a circle – I think from the effects of gravity and momentum. Something like that. lol. Anyway, Jaedon loved it, and I loved the deep belly laughs and squeals it produced.
And this is him dancing on the front landing – it looks like he’s doing the Tango to me. 🙂 (And you can just see the remnants of his cold-sores. 🙁 )
And here he is having dizzy-whizzies with daddy. He can always count on daddy for some good old fashioned fun.
It was the kind of day we all needed, and I’m glad I managed to catch it on ‘film’.
These are the kind of memories I like to hang on to and treasure. But I know so well already how moments I’m sure will last forever eventually blend into the other memories stored in that box. That’s what I love about photography – even in my mind fails me, I still have the evidence of a life well-lived, and well-loved.
{ Children’s photography Melbourne }