I love Sundays.

And I love sunny Sundays. Yesterday was perfect. And what better way to top it off than a session with the gorgeous Ame (a dutch name pronounced ah-may – wish I knew how to add the emphasis symbol above the e for her). Her parents are from the Netherlands, having been here in Melbourne for a couple of years now. Long enough to not be surprised by our weather, and the fact that while it was perfect yesterday it is currently black as coal out and pouring with rain. We certainly chose the day well, Lian.
I had a lovely afternoon.  Ame had just turned one, which is a beautiful age, and it is always a joy (and an honour) to be asked to capture them at this stage in their lives.  They’re often quite mobile too at this age, which adds that little bit of a challenge to the task.  🙂
Anyway, enough yakking from me – here’s your little sneak peak mum and dad. 

Look at those baby blues – she’s just adorable!

Playing peek-a-boo in the back yard.  We see you.  🙂

And it would be a crime to live as close to the beach as they do and not head down there for a few photographs (and a bit of fun).

And I had to include this one becuase I just loved the interaction between mum and her little girl. How very precious.

Thanks for a wonderful afternoon guys.  Hope you’ve enjoyed your little peek. I can’t wait to share the rest with you.

Narrelle x

(Oh, and I forgot to give a big shout out to this girl for my brand new profile pic. Thankyou so much, Kristen!)
{ Melbourne Baby Photography }