A whole lotta lovely light

I’ve finally gotten around to painting our spare room, which will double up as a studio. I’m so excited! YAY! 🙂
There’s soooooo much natural light in this room, and now that it’s lovely and white in there (intstead of a nice and ‘interesting’ salmon), all that light just keeps bouncing around the room off the walls, much like the kids were yesterday. lol.
I’m in love!! 🙂
Here’s a couple of pics I took of Alicia-Rae when she crawled up onto the gorgeous white wicker rocking chair I have in there


I have done no editing to these photos apart from add a slight vignette to the edges (so I could see the rocking chair, and remember that’s where she was sitting).  All that light is exactly as it looked.  Woohoo!  🙂

{ Melbourne Child Photography }