366 pieces of life | Day 362 (4 days to go…)

I think the last few days were just a bit much excitement for our poor little guy.  He had a bit of a grizzle-fest this morning.  Most things we said or did seemed to make him miserable.  And most things he did himself made him miserable too…
But Nanna came to the rescue.  Out came his beloved Thomas book, and as she read to him he fell asleep – totally zonked out on her lap. We could hear him snoring halfway down the other end of the house. Obviously he needed it (hey, don’t we all,  But we can’t all get away with it in the middle of the day).
I wish I could say it cheered him up some, but it didn’t really.  But we all got an hour’s peace.  🙂

And it was back out to our block this afternoon, to show Matt’s brother around. We walked right up to the back end of the property, which backs onto open acreage full of cows, and Alicia-Rae was fascinated by them, calling out to them with her gentle moo’s.  I don’t think they were paying much attention to her though, and she gave up eventually. She kept a good eye on them though while enjoying her cuddles with Nanna.
I can’t wait till we’re eventually living out there, and the cows are a part of their every day. And the space. And the smell of eucalyptus. And the sounds of kookaburras. And no traffic. Mmmmmmmm


{ Melbourne Children’s Photographer }