OK – I cheated yesterday and only posted the one photo – but it contained both the kids, and I was too tired to look at anymore. And now that I have that off my chest…..
Nanna and Papa (Matt’s parents) arrived today for a few days, and our second Christmas celebration. There weren’t as many kids running around today but Jaedon still managed to have a good time. He just loves his Nanna and Pappa. And this time his Uncle also came to visit. All the way from Perth. Just to jump on the trampoline with Jaedon. 🙂
The best part was that we got to have a second Christmas dinner. And a second christmas pudding. And Jaedon even got into the spirit of things by wearing his cracker hat. For a few minutes anyway.
I love his expression in this one. He has a knack sometimes of looking straight into me – even with a big chunk of camera and glass in the way.
And Alicia-Rae is also loving having Nanna and Pappa around. Apart from having extra people to play up to, they love playing with her too, and showering attention on her.
In this shot we’d not long ago been playing ‘hi 5’s’ with Jaedon on the trampoline, when she decided she’d give it a go. Nanna would hold her hand up, we’d say ‘Hi 5’, then she’d run over and hit Nanna’s hand as hard as she could and then run off again before we could catch her. She likes to add an element of mischief to most things she does.
{ Child Portrait Photographer Melbourne }