Firstly – Happy Christmas to you all!! We’re just finishing the day off here – it was a big one, as they generally are. Hope you all had a beautiful day, however you chose to spend it (probably not on the pc…).
Well the christmas present for the kiddos was a great success. After unwrapping the remainder of their gifts we took Jaedon to the lounge window and asked him what he saw. His eyes lit up and grew as big as saucers as he yelled, “ooooooooh, it’s a trampoline!”. For someone who speaks very little he certainly pulled a trump with that word. We’ve not consciously mentioned it around him so we have no idea where he got it from and how he actually associated it with the big, round, bouncy thing in the middle of our backyard. He really does surprise us sometimes. Then he proceeded to tear around the house frantically, telling us to get him dressed, then he was out the door in a shot. After a little while of bouncing he turned to us and said (unprompted), “Thankyou very much” then climbed down and went back inside again. That did make us grin, inside and out. He’s never strung those words together before either, so we figure he really meant it. 🙂
And Alicia-Rae was a big fan of it too – we literally had to drag her off to head back indoors for some breakfast.
I had all these great plans of taking loads of fabulous pictures of them jumping around and having fun but I soon discovered that a trampoline, a camera, a one year-old and a two year-old don’t really mix very well. So this is the pick of the bunch. But I’m sure I’ll remember the fun of the day each time I look at it.