I should probably win bad mother of the year award for this pic, for taking a photograph of my boy in his distress when I should be comforting him.
He had a bit of a late afternoon nap and didn’t wake up very well, and just wanted cuddles. He wasn’t very happy when I had to hand him over to get Alicia-Rae’s dinner. Not even Nanna’s charms were working. So nanna had to get his sister’s dinner while mummy did what she was made for – providing lots of love and hugs. I don’t like to see my little boy so sad, but it is a special thing to be able to make him happy again.
If Alicia-Rae doesn’t become an actress, a comedian or a musician when she grows up the next bet would be a botanist. She LOVES flowers. I certainly wouldn’t make a very good one (botanist, that is – I can’t even name the flower she’s fixated on here – but she always goes straight to them when we get back from our walks and stands there hugging the stems (which are taller than her), before plucking all the petals off. On second thoughts she probably wouldn’t make a very good botanist at all – I think she’d have to nuture and care for the plants in that case, and that’s usually not on the agenda…